In January 1993, after
turning in the strip for that newsletter, Tere and Linda asked me for a little
favor. The Boulton and Park Society had this little social meeting that
was capped off by the pretty symbolic "midnight eating of the
sausage." No, really. I'm so not making this up. At
midnight, they would all gather around the table, and symbolically carve up a
three foot kiolbasa sausage, and serve it around.
Well, rumor among the other
groups in Texas were that we were some kind of wierd pagan coven doing this
symbolic castration and initiating members with it. Like the Masons
So Tere and Linda asked me
to do a set of strips about the midnight sausage dinner to help explain it to
the other members and groups. The first appeared in April 1993. I'm not sure if I managed
the whole explanation, but it made
for some good reading if you ask me:
Seeing that this was going
to be the first real introduction for Carrie and Allyson, I decided to make sure
all the intro stuff was here. They both said their names, there's a
reference to them being roomies.
And then there's Irving.
Irving is probably the
single most popular character in Closetspace. And he's never appeared in
ONE episode. That's about to change though, but that's another story
altogether. Irving is the Irving personification of our three foot
kiolbasa sausage, and I swear to you, on a stack of Bibles, that I was not
hopped up on any kind of goofballs when I drew him up.
Again, this episode has been
rescanned and cleaned up from the Institute archives. |
[The Book of Xand]
[The Girl in the Mirror]
[The Long Road Home]
[Manpower] |
[The Many Lives of
Genevieve] |
[Voices of Authority] |
[Voyage of the
Alexandria |
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