[The Dolari Library]
Works in Progress:

A Wish for Wings #274: Planning
Twitch Stream: Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Latest Updates:

July 6th, 2024: Closetspace #361 is up.  It was actually up last week, but my website immediately went down.  We got that sorted out.  The Picture Album has been removed.  I was the only one really using it.

November 1st, 2023: So, that whole restarting the website so everything is new again?  Well, in May I developed a pinched nerve, and I couldn't sit at a computer for more than a few minutes, so that ended that.  I'm hoping I'm better enough that I can fix the website and get back to business.

The site's been minorly updated.  I decided I hated the original webpage design and it's a lot simpler now.

Coming Soon:

Evolution of the Superman Movies
Star Trek: Redskirts Page
Twitch Stream: The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword Playthrough
Wishworld Re-upload
What The Hell Is Jenn Eating?

[A Wish for Wings]
Last Update: May 28, 2023
Last Update: June 23rd 2024
[Star Trek]
[SFJenn] Wishworld
[Returning Soon]
The Book of Xand
The Girl in the Mirror
The Long Road Home
The Many Lives of Genevieve
Voices of Authority
The Voyage of the Alexandria
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Material, HTML and text contained on pages originating from DOLARI.NET and DOLARI.ORG are written by Jenn Dolari. Copyright 1992-2024 Jennifer Dolari. All Rights Reserved. All other materials are copyright by their respective owners. Copyright inquiries should be mailed to Jenn Dolari. Remember, asking me nicely will get a happier response than a cease and desist order. Any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If redness continues, please consult a physician. Children under 18 need not reply. Void where prohibited. Offer expires while you wait. Operators are standing by. Available in 49 states. SORRY NORTH CAROLINA!
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